
HLE Heliotropic Breathing

Heliotropic breathing indicates a two phase breathing-technique that is based on deep breathing alternating with phases of holding the breath in (similar to the Cheyennes-Stokes breathing at near death).

Dr. Engelbert Winkler developed this technique. It is the practical result of his research in the area of the correlations between light, breathing and consciousness. The heliotropic breathing offers the possibility to create self guided portals in order to enter into the underlying structures of ones own consciousness. 

Heliotropic breathing is hereby suited, to bring about an extraordinary strong meditative state of consciousness, which implies, because of the intensity of the experience as well as the related long-term effects, an involvement of the pineal gland’s produced DMT (Dimethyltryptamin).

It is known for a long time, that the alternation between deep breathing and holding the breath enables a direct, therapeutic and relevant influence on body and spirit. Amongst others, this technique was successfully implemented into the treatment of severe illnesses by the Japanese physician Nobuo Shioya. Nobuo Shioya himself noted a correlation between his old age (he reached the age of 105, by full health and bodily fitness) and this particular breathing technique. 

Current studies substantiate that psychedelic states of consciousness are achieving impressive results, even with until now untreatable illnesses, which is why the WHO (for example in connection with severe or chronic depression), is talking about a revolution in psychiatry (“Heilender Rausch”, Welt am Sonntag February 2nd, 2015). 

Whether the aim is to enjoy the beauty or an adventure of the meditative experience,  in the sense of a meditative scuttling, to travel upon the source of consciousness in the ‘Eternal Now’, the intention is left to the Psychonaut.

The workshop for experienced Psychonauts conveys significant contents for the application of heliotropic breathing and offers an intense self-awareness to open a portal.

Current workshops

Online via Skype - Engelbert Winkler

Concept by Engelbert Winkler: Download Concept Heliotropic Breathing
Info: The sessions "helio1" and "holobreath1" are available free of charge to the Light Attendants (= people who have a Lucia N°03 Practitioner System) in the download area of the Lucia N°03 Academy.

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