Hypnagogic Light Experience
Life is usually understood as striving for moments of well-being in order to remain there.
The Hypnagogic Light Experience of light makes it possible to experience health as a consciousness that - superimposed on thinking and feeling - cannot be reduced to physical or mental processes. Seen in this way, health can never be lost, but at most overlooked. What is fought against is resisted, what is curtailed grows - what is focused on is strengthened.
The Hypnagogic Light Experience of light is not a treatment or therapeutic technique, which is why it is not directed against symptoms but, as it were, past them to the consciousness as ever-present health.
It should not be misunderstood as a substitute for conventional treatment methods, although spending time in the light can certainly have a positive effect on well-being. The dissolution of the misconception of lost health leads to a change in attitude and thus brings about an increase in the quality of life.
The Hypnagogic Light Experience has the following effects without a time-consuming preparation and practice phase:
+ rapid and lasting deep relaxation
+ increased learning and performance
+ “deceleration”
+ timelessness and spacelessness
+ Awareness detached from the body
+ immersion in worlds of color and form of unprecedented beauty
+ deep emotion and a strong feeling of happiness
+ spiritual experiences
The Hypnagogic Light Experience technique is taught as a skill that is available at all times.