


  Proeckl, Carola E.: Ich bin!

  Proeckl, Carola E.: Jetzt und die Zeit

  Proeckl, Carola E.: Leben


  Winkler, Engelbert J.: Alles im Nichts und umgekehrt

Die Frau mit dem Schimpansengesicht Buch Vorderseite   Winkler, Engelbert J.:
Die Frau mit dem Schimpansengesicht

Entertaining psycho-fictions as the result of a long-term self-experiment by Engelbert Winkler under the influence of the creative effect of the meditation lamp Lucia N°03.
“The Woman with the Chimpanzee Face” emerged from disjointed initial ideas and the experiment of developing complete stories, relating them to each other (past consciousness) and consequently integrating them into a meta-narrative more

Currently only available in German

Order directly from the publisher by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  as hardcover (€ 24.90 incl. Austrian VAT + shipping costs depending on delivery address from € 7.00)

  Winkler, Engelbert J.:
Lucia N°03: Hypnagogic Light Experience & NeuroArt

The development of the Hypnagogic Light Experience and the optical neurostimulator Lucia No.3 as a direct application of current findings of interdisciplinary near-death and consciousness research: With reference to psychotherapeutic practice, the text deals in an entertaining way with fundamental questions on topics such as mental health, art experience as prevention and the development of nondual consciousness as an expression of interdenominational spirituality.

available in English: € 15,82 excluding Austrian tax, plus shipment fee according to the destination - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  Winkler, Engelbert J.: The Pursuit of Being : The Sunlight Game
Development of Heliotropic Breathing for therapy, self-awareness, and psychonautics

The Heliotropic Breathwork technique against the backdrop of an exciting experiment on Mount Kilimanjaro: by removing the basis of the greatest fear, the sun play of Heliotropic Breathwork confirms that one only fears what one does not know. It is not man who has a limited life, but the boundless life that contains every single human being in order to look at himself through his eyes.

available in English: € 15,82 excluding Austrian tax, plus shipment fee according to the destination - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

 Carola Karte Bücher   Carola Zimmer: KA-Geschichten
...tell of everyday fears, which a child illuminates from all sides together with its light being KA. for all those who want to help people achieve a stable resilience.
Currently only available in German - more
  Winkler, Engelbert J.: Erleuchtung im Augenblick des Todes

“Preparation for death is preparation for entering the greatest secret, the mystery of the unity of God and man ... Dying means awakening!” (A sufferer after his near-death experience) Interdisciplinary near-death research is concerned with evaluating the reports of people who have already been on the threshold of death and have returned from there. This often leads to profound personality changes or an inexplicable increase in knowledge as a result of a confrontation with the nature of light on the border between life and death. This is a compilation of central theses that can be derived from this - more

  Winkler, Julia und Engelbert J.: Der Elfenspiegel
Review   Happy New Year 2022 - How people behave when they are afraid
Happy New Year 2021 -  The Path to the Outside Leads Inside!




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