with first contact to Anadi Martel, light expert.

ILA - Inernational Light Association, is regrouping therapists and researchers devoted to the effects of light.
First contact came from Anadi Martel, president, he wrote in March 2013:“…
The ILA holds an annual international conference on light therapy, featuring the greatest names in the field from both the scientific and therapy ends of the spectrum: over the years we've invited pioneers such as Dr. Tiina Karu (Russia), Fritz-Albert Popp (Germany), Peter Mandel (Germany), Hans Cousto (Switzerland), Dr. Jacob Liberman (USA), James Oschman (USA)...
The next conference (our 10th) is scheduled for September 20-25 2013 near Antwerp, Belgium. The workshops are intended to bring practical skills and experience to participants, rather than purely theoretical knowledge as in lecture. …” (end of quote).
Lucia N°03 arranged a workshop run by the developers Dr. Dirk Proeckl and Dr. Engelbert Winkler. The exciting feedback was like:
“Never seen this before. So many crazy colourful elements …. One must make this experience by him/herself. … I must have this light machine. ...”
Visit the site to ILA experts