NEW Concept "Neuro-Psycolytic Light Experience".

NEW - for the first time Dr. Dirk Proeckl and Dr. Engelbert Winkler presented the concept "Neuro-Psycolytic Light Experience" at the festival "science + fiction" in Basel on May 6, 2018. During the panel discussion, Engelbert Winkler emphasized the light travel with Lucia N°03 as a safe alternative to hallucinogen substances. However, one can not estimate the effect of the substances in advance. At the workshop "Heliotropic Breathing", on the other hand, the interplay of light and breathing technique was fascinating the participians.

The Festival
science+fiction is the festival with the issue "on rush" for 2018 in Basel (Suisse).

What happens in the brain when drinking alcohol, taking a party drug or experiencing an adrenaline rush?

What drives people around the world to get intoxicated - and what was the intoxication culture in antiquity?

Lucia N°03 is with presentations by the two developers and patentee Dr. Dirk Proeckl and Dr. Engelbert Winkler in Basel.


Lucia N°03 contributes to the festival:

Speech Sun 6. Mai  2018 / 12:00 - 12:30 h - Dr. Dirk Proeckl

Panel diskussion - Sun 6. Mai  2018 / 14:30 - 16:00 h - Dr. Engelbert Winkler
other participants are:
Dr. med. Juraj Styk (Psychiatrie und psycholytische Psychotherapie)

Dr. Manfred Fankhauser (Bahnhof Apotheke Langnau, Vertrieb von Haschisch als Medikament)
Hans-Peter Waldrich (Verfasser der Publikation "Gehirnwäsche oder Heilverfahren?").

Workshop - Sun 6. Mai  2018 / 16:00 - 19:30 h - Heliotropic Breathing with Lucia N°03

Self-experience Lucia N°03 - possible during the festival

Only self-awareness can bring understanding to Lucia N°03.

At the festival, we accompany curious people who want to reach immediately an altered state of consciousness. Through the patented and internationally awarded meditation lamp Lucia N°03, this succeeds immediately, legally, without psychedelics.

Thereby lingering in the carelessness and beauty of an eternal NOW is the essence and aim of the hypnagogic light experience, which becomes the archetypical art experience.

In the unity of experience and creation, viewers become artists of their own, in constant flux art.

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