Art Fair London 2012 ... most unique, interactive art piece at Kinetica ...

Quotes: “From the very beginning we never had the feeling that we discovered, developed or even invented the Hypnagogic Light Experience. It seemed to me as though it had captured us and exploited us for its own purposes.” Dr. Engelbert Winkler said.

Louis Selsby conitnues reporting: "As an experience, Lucia No.3 certainly does exploit you. You can’t help but believe these guys <Dr. Dirk Proeckl, Dr. Engelbert Winkler> who tell you you’re about to experience something visionary. And you do.
It was the most unique and interesting interactive art piece at Kinetica Fair, qualities which the team behind it only heighten. Their obvious enthusiasm and complete belief in their work allowed me to let my scepticism walls fall, to believe that there could be things out there I hadn’t seen or experienced."

With kind with permission of the author to publish the text (English):
Kinetica Art Fair London 2012 report Smiths Magazine by Louise Selsby

Bericht in Englischer Sprache






the believe that everybody is creative 

"... They say everyone is creative. I believe everyone is born creative, but that if you let go of it, it is much harder to get back. Those who are non-creative are known to be more rigid in their thinking; they like rules and like to stick to them. Those who are creative are more spontaneous, like to be different and break the rules – us creative’s have issues with “walls”.  ,,,,   Recently the UCA Pop Up Gallery in Chatham was host to a visit from Lucia N°03 and it’s creators: Dr. Dirk Proeckl – a neurologist and psychologist, and Dr. Engelbert Winkler – a psychologist and psychotherapist. Dr. Ernst Mussmann also joined them in the Gallery with his newly designed Vibrating chair. ... "

Quote taken from:
Report Lucia N°03 at UCA Pop Up Galery, Chatham 2019

UCA Pop Up Gallery on facebook

Inventor Dr. Ernst Mussmann Swave Sound Lying Austria

photo 2012, Pixabay hands-600497_1920

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